Now that I am “a person of a certain age”—a gentle euphemism for “older person”—I am aware how much leaking is going on these days. I’m talking personally here, not about political machinations but about the many ways in which my older adult body and spirit don’t hold together as tightly as they used to. My drooping facial musculature allows more drooling, allergies tell my sinuses to flowMORE...
After the alleluias
If yesterday was Easter special, this week may return to post-Easter ordinary. Or not? I take my cues from the likelihood that the first disciples dealt with the same choice. “He is risen” had not yet reached the ears of many of them—some may not have known anything except the desolate sadness of Jesus’ death. And those for whom resurrection was as tangible as an evening meal may still haveMORE...
What did Jesus do on Wednesday?
The Bible’s Holy Week calendar is pretty clear about what happened each day: Monday was Curse the Fig Tree Day; Tuesday was No More Fig Tree Day; Thursday was Passover Day and Friday was a jumble of events leading to Jesus death. I’ve always wondered what happened on that Wednesday. So, to fill this empty place on the church year calendar, I offer here an imaginative reconstruction of what JesusMORE...
Because this week is Holy…
Where I live, this coming week promises to be typical for this time of year: A big swing in weather patterns, keeping gardeners, golfers and gophers on edge. Because this coming week is designated as “holy”, it’s possible that my thoughts and behaviors will be bent toward what’s holy—whatever that might mean. Looking ahead at the coming days, I find my thoughts ranging as widely and wildly as theMORE...
Next Avenue!
Months ago, I extolled the value and virtues of a web site,, that speaks to the realities faced by older adults. Here I want to repeat those positive feelings, and to invite you once again to consider how this unique web site might add to your well-being. To repeat some background, Next Avenue is associated with Twin Cities Public Broadcasting in Minnesota. The organizationMORE...
Accepting the terms of agreement
If you’re like me, you may click YES when the app download box asks if you’ve read– AND ACCEPT—the entire Terms of Agreement. If you’re like the vast majority of us, you agree to the stipulations without reading them all! That’s how we may give over to others the right to determine how we will use a product or service. Alan Castel, author of *Better with Age: The Psychology of SuccessfulMORE...
Band-Aid people!
When I was growing up, I loved Band-Aids®. Although there were very few variations back then, the presence of a Band-Aid® on a scuffed knee or elbow was comforting—“This, too, will heal.” Then I became a metaphor-loving adult, and learned about the idea that “Band-Aid® solutions don’t really solve the underlying problems.” Now, it seemed, the ubiquitous flexible bandage was not as helpful—atMORE...
Announcement: Offices closed
Full of Years, LLC, LSMFT, LOL announces that its worldwide network of offices will close on Monday, April 1, 2019, in observance of *Old Fools Day. Except at our Mid-North Asia regional headquarters in Ulbszky, Bezerkestan, all corporate functions will resume on Tuesday, April 2nd. Full of Years staff wish you a joyful day of celebration, knowing that you, too, can lighten the load on people’sMORE...