It’s not uncommon for me to lapse into the false identity of someone who has no power to shape the future. That’s obviously “false” because my wife’s and my sharing/saving/spending practices are potential future-shapers. Where we choose to place our financial assets is one way we can affect the changes we hope will dawn as this pandemic gradually recedes. Because we want to assist organizationsMORE...
Masked thoughts
As a practitioner of the masked arts, I am happy to share some of my recent mask-related observations and suggestions. I hope you will find them helpful! Some masks are now featuring messages, so it occurs to me that all of us can use our masks—like our T-shirts—to make short statements, or even advertise! “WEAR MASKS LIKE ME” can suggest thoughts such as “NO DUH!”, “I’M NOT STUPID!”, “SIX FEETMORE...
My bully scar
A few days ago, as I was shaving my face, I noticed again the one-inch blemish where I used to have a hairline. It’s my bully scar. Here’s the story. One day in first grade, our class went outside for playground recess. (The playground was the standard-issue, clunky all-metal assortment of equipment now considered dangerous.) The girls preferred the whirling merry-go-round, so they’d congregatedMORE...
Pestilence by day; plague by night
(What follows is a loose riff on Psalm 91:3-6. It’s written from the viewpoint of an avid gardener beset by both varmints and viruses. You’ll have to wait until the middle of July, 2022, though, for this psalm to come around in the lectionary!) For much of this summer, I have spent considerable daytime thought and effort dealing with pests who also claim the fruits of my gardening. The verminMORE...
A word of explanation
You may have noticed that there haven’t been any Full of Years blogs lately. Here’s what’s been going on…. So you know, I had run out of the kind of thoughts that source these blogs. I couldn’t find in my soul the kinds of observations that I have hoped might benefit you. All that was coming to mind were angry comments about our distressing national governance. That didn’t seem to be the kind ofMORE...