Seasonal Q & A’s


(Today something a little different: My take on an imagined conversation with you, consisting of questions—and answers—that we might engage if we were sitting around a quiet fire with a cup of hot chocolate and leftover Christmas goodies. What’s virtual trying to find what’s virtuous…?)

YOU: So, Bob… I read your blogs and wonder how much of your writing is AI-dependent?

ME:  Surely you jest. I’ve just finished reading Ethan Mollick’s Co-Intelligence: Living and Working with AI, and I’m even more convinced that I don’t want to substitute what’s artificial for any of my intelligences—verbal, social, spatial, etc. In a word: NONE!

ME: Changing the subject—“intelligence” reminded me: Does it seem strange to you that the Truth Social stock market listing gets a high-price boost most mornings about 9:00 AM?

YOU: To tell the truth (smiling), we haven’t noticed. And this isn’t a stock market tip, is it?

YOU: Speaking of tips, I need some ideas for Christmas presents next year. What was your best Christmas gift? One you gave or one you received?

ME: The best, I think, were the seasonal cards and letters we got, and the memories that rushed out of them. Oh, yeah, the worst present I gave—to one of our grand-dogs—was treats made of dried, sawed-up beef trachea. High on the yuck factor, and not all that helpful if these 100% Beef Products get stuck in dogs’ throats!

YOU: Anything else special over the holidays?

ME: YES!  We saw WICKED and A COMPLETE UNKNOWN. Two heartening cinematic experiences. One was a kind of morality play and the other a poignant trip back to the sounds of our younger selves. The 1960’s….

ME: That reminds me: Can you hear the owls out here in our suburban woods? Why are they hooting and murmuring in the broad daylight?

YOU: No, of course not. Our spy-drones are being used elsewhere. Look up ”2025Weird Wheaton Owl Behaviors” and see what comes up. The owls aren’t making you anxious, are they?

ME: Not at all, but how about your anxiety levels these days? What’s going on?

 YOU: Fear trying to sneak into our souls, but not yet successful. You?

ME: The national news worries me more than I’d like to admit. So I’m paying attention to bloggers and some newspaper and journal columnists—and people like you–who are smarter and more hopeful than me. Maybe more faith-filled, too….

YOU: Good for them. For you. For us all. One more question: Do you answer e-mails from this platform?  Or texts?

 ME:  Sure, when I’m not reading newspapers, writing blogs, throwing away bovine trachea, going to the movies, listening to owls or wondering when AI correspondents will eventually seem real…..

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About the author

Bob Sitze

BOB SITZE has filled the many years of his lifework in diverse settings around the United States. His calling has included careers as a teacher/principal, church musician, writer/author, denominational executive staff member and meat worker. Bob lives in Wheaton, IL.

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By Bob Sitze

Bob Sitze

BOB SITZE has filled the many years of his lifework in diverse settings around the United States. His calling has included careers as a teacher/principal, church musician, writer/author, denominational executive staff member and meat worker. Bob lives in Wheaton, IL.

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