For regular readers


About six years ago, I started writing (and filming) this blog. I set out with minimal plans, hoping that I could add to the fullness of years that we elders are given by God. Today seems to be a good time to pause, offering some background commentary to those of you who regularly visit my scrivenings.

I hope that you’ve found some depth in the short, semi-weekly entries I plop onto your screen. I try to keep the writing approachable, so that you can add to my starter-thoughts any reactions that come to mind. That you will deepen the hole I’ve dug, and plant your own older adult spirituality seeds.

It’s possible that I’ve started repeating myself in some of the themes or memes that come to mind. You’ve probably seen how some emphases crop up fairly regularly—e.g., the will of God, seniors as exemplary witnesses, etc.—but I don’t want to give up on the notion that my older adult mind can find new tidbits, new ideas, new trails or new aha’s to share with you. Forgive the repetitions when they occur.

I’ve not pushed any “marketing” buttons to expand the readership to the level of “excited throng.” I hope to continue a writing style that’s intimate and close-at-hand. I know many of you personally, and cherish you as former colleagues and present-day friends. I hope you weren’t looking for more pizzazz….

You’ve seen that I insert the first-person, singular pronoun quite a bit. I don’t like to talk about myself, but noticed that most blog writers seem to share themselves with their readers. I hope that you see in my “I-ness” the implicit invitation to find similarities with your own spiritual journey. Everyman writing for everyone?

I hope to continue doing this for awhile. Invariably, the Holy Spirit does her own plopping—shoveling ideas and questions into my still-curious brain, and nudging me to taunt my writers’ demons with the insistence to serve your spirits well.

Now, forward to writing the next blogs, and to whatever good they offer to the fullness of your years!


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About the author

Bob Sitze

BOB SITZE has filled the many years of his lifework in diverse settings around the United States. His calling has included careers as a teacher/principal, church musician, writer/author, denominational executive staff member and meat worker. Bob lives in Wheaton, IL.

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By Bob Sitze

Bob Sitze

BOB SITZE has filled the many years of his lifework in diverse settings around the United States. His calling has included careers as a teacher/principal, church musician, writer/author, denominational executive staff member and meat worker. Bob lives in Wheaton, IL.

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