Hope from a box


Sometimes you can find hope in surprising places. That happened to me one recent morning when I looked at the box that my (Family Size) Cheerios™ came in. Here’s what I learned…

The good folks at General Mills—a Minneapolis-based corporation—apparently decided to do something helpful and hopeful about the state of the country/world: They partnered with Disney and Fandango to spotlight Disney’s late-2023 animated film, Wish. (This positive story tells how heroic characters—in this case, a young girl and those around her—can defeat the selfish machinations of tyrants.) The Cheerios™ box included specifics—remember redeeming box tops?—for obtaining a Movie Reward from Fandango to see the movie. On that same section of the box I found encouraging hints—about how Cheerios™ eaters could “put more positivity into the world by inspiring you to be a star who makes wishes come true for the people around you.” (Just like the film’s heroine, Asha!)

While reading the box, I imagined how, after the principled decisions of General Mills execs, staff members worked together to develop this wonderfully hopeful message and movie reward offer. Coordinating with Disney and Fandango, GM advertising executives, writers, artists, container designers, lawyers and printers put together a box that says HOPE all over itself.

Hope peeked out from other places on this box, too. I learned that General Mills is a “proud sponsor” of the Celiac Disease FOUNDATION®. I was reminded to keep track of my heart health. The Nutrition Facts were written in English and  Spanish. A product photo encouraged me to add fruit to this cereal. I was reminded about the health benefits of fiber. And I learned how to recycle the carton.

Because of this box, I’m ready to be surprised again by hope, wherever it appears!


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About the author

Bob Sitze

BOB SITZE has filled the many years of his lifework in diverse settings around the United States. His calling has included careers as a teacher/principal, church musician, writer/author, denominational executive staff member and meat worker. Bob lives in Wheaton, IL.

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By Bob Sitze

Bob Sitze

BOB SITZE has filled the many years of his lifework in diverse settings around the United States. His calling has included careers as a teacher/principal, church musician, writer/author, denominational executive staff member and meat worker. Bob lives in Wheaton, IL.

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