Advent weather in the Northern hemisphere—darkness, cold, mixed precipitation, etc .—invites me into cozy caves of theological thought that I trust will eventually emerge as something useful. Today, two musings scrawled on the walls of this temporary hiding place: Hope and creativity, and End Times hope….
Chris and I are part of a congregation where creativity— demonstrated by pastors, staff, members, kids, teens, adults—leaps and bounds like a puppy off its leash. In worship, Bible study, ongoing programs and events, new-and-useful elements of our life together bubble up from shared conversations and horizon-expanding questions. No need for permission-giving, because what seems most fundamental about this place is hope. The Spirit and spirit of this family of believers is positive, forward-looking and imaginative. Whatever creativity might be—and however it shows itself—it’s connected to the kind of hope that takes risks and smiles along the way to what’s next!
Thinking about “The End Times” might seem to be a completely opposite Advent viewpoint, though. That’s understandable. One part of Advent’s emphases reflects early Christian apocalyptic thought: Christ will return soon, with threatening and worrisome portents—e.g., earthquakes, wars, loud trumpet sounds, weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth, etc. Something to frighten all of us, perhaps?
When I get a little closer to that idea, though, something else can startle me towards hope: We know how all this will end. And it will be good! Death and destruction won’t be the final chapter in God’s story; there’s something more to look forward to! “The ending” will be an extravagant display of God’s power and love. That final Advent will also be the start of what will never end, an eternity of heavenly blessings. “Knowing how things will come to a really wonderful end?” Hope by another name. Reassurance with a capital “R”!
There you go, fellow musers: Creativity and the End Times. Comforting, exciting and expectant Advent realities. Reasons to keep on keeping on. The kind of tangible truths that can brighten and warm anyone’s cave!
Hopefully, both yours and mine….
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