Let me be direct: You should see this film, or wait for it to appear in the listings of streaming services to which you subscribe. The title, “Maudie” names the film’s primary character, Maud Lewis, someone with unnamed physical disabilities whose soul is full of spunk, empathy and love. The plot—based in the life story of this remarkable woman—follows her journey to self-reliance and life purpose in the company of the other main character, Everett—a reclusive, grumpy bachelor. Set in a seaside community in Nova Scotia, the slowly developing tale shows how sterling character traits can eventually become endearing qualities that can draw people together into lasting, loving relationships.
Why tell you about this film? Depending on your life experiences, you may have found yourself in a similar position as Maud—people not seeing your admirable traits because you weren’t physically attractive. And yet—I hope this has happened for you more than once—someone finally saw you as you really are and loved you deeply!
At those moments, you may have come realize how love is redemptive. Even in unlikely bondings of friendship or marriage, the mysterious gift of deep love rescues any of us from loneliness, purposeless living or deep despair. Especially in our later years, when our hopes for liberation, rescue or salvation may have diminished to only a flicker—it is still possible for love to find us. For us to salvage from our low self-esteem the ingredients of a new life, new freedom, new possibilities. For God to save us!
View the trailer for this film at www.sonyclassics.com/maudie/, and begin to see how this film could reaffirm your hopes, and your appreciation for the power of love to continually revitalize your life.
Let me be direct: That’s what Maudie did for me!