Full of Years

If you value people who are older—and also your own aging—these entries will help you rejoice in the fullness of this stage of life: its gritty realities, secret joys, hidden spirituality and cherished moments—reasons to be grateful that old age is always a gift from God!


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What, me worry (about cicadas)?

  Where I live, yards, trees, buildings, cars and even human torsos have become the chosen perches for millions of 17-year cicadas. Their raspy singing fills the soundscape. Still, I’m not concerned about having to share the world with God’s red-eyed insects. As a bona-fide older gentleman, let me tell you why I enjoy cicadas…. Their buzzing/clicking fits my hearing needs. My hearing aidsMORE...

Never a toady?

It’s easy to criticize toadies. They seem sadly lacking in self-respect, fawning over political, entertainment or sports figures who don’t always deserve flattery. Over many years, sycophants have garnered more than their share of public disdain. Their original, 17th century manifestation: Subservient assistants to medical charlatans in Europe. They pretended to being cured—by the self-proclaimedMORE...

This is not a blog!

(The following paragraphs are an explanation for the several weeks’ absence of entries at this site. Perhaps they’re also my confession about some older-adult self-examinations that you, too, might have faced.) I’ll admit it: I’ve never liked the word “blog.” It’s always felt like another one of those 1990-ish terms that lacked heft but somehow made it into our lexicon. (You might also rememberMORE...

Living the dream?

One of the other older guys in my weekly tai chi class always answers my “How are you?” greeting with “Living the dream…!” There’s some whimsy in his response, and maybe some truth, too. As it turns out, though, “Living the dream” may also be more difficult than just describing a good life. In the opening episode of the PBS documentary series, “A Brief History of the Future”, UCLA socialMORE...

Memory work

Every so often I hearken back to my early childhood memories. Today’s trip back in time took me to my first “memory work.” I attended a Lutheran grade school, and even in first grade we were assigned a daily Bible verse (or other important piece of spiritual truth) to memorize. The first entry in our memory book was 1 John 4:16b, “God is love.” My reaction on completing this assignment? “HeyMORE...

Verification skills

“What’s actually true?” This question is as old as Jacob fooling his vision-challenged father Isaac and as current as AI’s uncanny ability to invent and shape words, images and sounds. The matter of verifying truth has become a necessary skill, perhaps especially for those of us who are targeted with misinformation, manipulation or malpractice. Today a few reminders about developing a truthMORE...

Tipping point hope

Daily life is full of tipping points, and some of them can provide reasons for hopefulness. Actual tipping points may be hard to see, because they may occur before the observable event we name as the moment of change. An example: In June, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of gay marriage. Many of us named that occasion as the possible tipping point regarding the country’s attitudesMORE...

Easter postscript

The loud, boisterous alleluias have quieted down now, our Easter family gatherings have finished and the routines of normal life lie ahead of us. But Easter—as season, attitude and truth—isn’t done yet. In the coming weeks, we’re going to discover again how to recognize and live out our new-lives-in-Christ. One way to look at the coming Easter season? Something like a track athletes’MORE...

Death before life

Easter’s joy waits on the horizon, and we can hardly wait. We need the reminders of new life—resurrection—that are possible because of Jesus. It also seems appropriate that we remember how death—Jesus’ and our own—may precede whatever we hope will come to pass because of Easter.   Death looms large in news stories and in our national psyche. As these words find their way onto this screenMORE...

Dirty cloaks

A Palm Sunday question: what happened to all the cloaks that parade-goers threw on the ground as a carpet for Jesus’ donkey-riding?  How would they have responded when asked, “So, what are you going to do with your dirty clothes now?” This would not be a small question. A cloak was probably the most necessary outer-garment in the minimal wardrobes of these palm-wavers. When their cloaks hit theMORE...

Bob Sitze

BOB SITZE has filled the many years of his lifework in diverse settings around the United States. His calling has included careers as a teacher/principal, church musician, writer/author, denominational executive staff member and meat worker. Bob lives in Wheaton, IL.

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