When asked to characterize my well-being on surveys, I used to check the EXCELLENT box automatically. These days I’ve moved down one frame to the GOOD descriptor. And I’m happy to do so, rejoicing about being just okay. GOOD is also a strong adjective to be glad about. Let me explain….
Perhaps like you, over the years I’ve faced my share of ill health and physical deterioration. Without getting too specific, let’s just say that I’ve been around a lot of medical trees. As those various problems emerged, I sought and received high-quality medical care—for which I’m still grateful. Recently I’ve noticed that, amazingly, many of those conditions have plateaued into patterns that seem to be holding steady. For example, even though I’m never going to have the eyesight of an eagle again, my visual acuity has remained at an acceptable level. I can’t run so well on my artificial joints, but they’re just fine for healthy exercise like walking. Previous cancers have been stopped in their paths. I’m okay physically, and that’s good.
Another example: The social and political fabric of this country has been shredded over the past several years, but it’s getting mended now. We’ve identified the problem people, and their influence is slowly diminishing. Our republic may not be in excellent political health, but vigorous democratic values remain strong. Another cause for rejoicing about okay!
The world’s climate still seems to be headed for disaster, but enough international problem-solvers have been working very hard to keep global warming contained inside an okay-for-now status. Again: not perfect, but good enough.
Scripture instructs here: “This is the day the Lord has made, and we will rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24) As I see it, today is one of those days!
An okay day….!