If you’re a caregiver for an elderly family member or friend, you’ve probably looked for helpful resources for this work. As you may have discovered, helpful materials—on the Web and elsewhere—come from governmental sources, caregiving companies, medical providers, bloggers and not-for-profit enterprises. It’s not the lack of resources that you encounter. In fact, the opposite is true: The amount of available assistance can be overwhelming!)
In this entry, I want to suggest a primary source that seems to stand out from the others. It’s a Web site called NEXT AVENUE (www.nextavenue.org). Here’s what I like about this site:
• There is no hidden agenda, stereotyping or psycho-babble.
• The advertising features products that really fit the needs and capabilities of older adults.
• The writing is superb, personal and warm.
• What you read encourages the best in you and the person(s) you care for!
• The writers seem to have expertise primarily because they’ve walked the walk.
• Each of the pieces has heft to it—enough thoughts to motivate you, but not so many that you’re overwhelmed with information.
• The subjects include more than just handy hints, data or experimental findings. What you find in NEXT AVENUE are matters you really want to know about.
• The wealth of material is astounding—including connections to other sources.
• The Website is intuitive, easily navigated and always inviting.
• A free online newsletter delivers content to your Inbox almost every day.
This is public broadcasting–Twin Cities PBS—at its best. The crew that curates the information seems trustworthy and helpful. I found myself wanting to meet them in person—to thank them and to find out more about what they think about this part of life. (And to support them with contributions!)
My recommendation: When it comes to caregiving help, NEXT AVENUE feels like home…!
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