Awhile back, I mused about enjoyable memories that can be a comfortable way to spend time. Today I want to expand the idea of reveries to include those that freeze the present-tense for consideration—another enjoyable kind of thought.
I live a pace of life that’s slower than in my earlier days. Sometimes there are longer blocks of time when I have been able to “just sit and think.” More than daydreams, these lingering moments of wandering thought take me into fascinating realms of observation. The reveries can take place when I’m starting a nap, resting in my hammock, listening to the rain or wind, driving alone, sitting out on the front porch, standing in line or reading news. There’s not always a purpose for these thought explorations, although sometimes a reverie will take me toward a possible blog subject or motivate me to take actions. My late-at-night contemplations seem to roam the farthest. The darkness becomes a space-time capsule that I can ride anywhere, aided in that journey by quiet classical music.
Most of these thoughts brim with appreciation and gratitude. Sometimes the dystopian part of my personality asks for attention, and at other times I am overwhelmed with joy about the present moment. In those cases, the reveries come really close to being prayers—God knows when a thought is a prayer, right?
Why tell you this? To invite you into this pleasurable part of growing older: Roaming freely through the thought landscapes that are available to you. Exercising your imagination and spirituality. Slowing down enough to examine closely even the smallest elements of life. (Watching birds does this for me: Wondering what a bird is thinking as it decides how to approach a bird bath!)
Okay, enough on this subject. Back to today’s reveries…..
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