


Not welcome?

(This entry is part of an ongoing collection of blogs that examine the future of congregations post-COVID19. Each entry forms itself around a question looking for clarity or even answers.) In post-COVID congregations, some questions will remain for the people of God to wrestle with. One seems particularly important for the future of the Church: Who’s welcome and who isn’t? In most places, “AllMORE...

Dealing with anger hopefully

It’s difficult to treat addictions of any kind, and anger addiction adds its own layers of complexity. The complications are easy to see: Anger is both an individual and group phenomenon. A subculture of anger-merchants has worked for decades to insert anger into the way this society functions. Fuel for continuing anger is easily accessible, so those addicted to anger may not seek help. PoliticsMORE...

Anger addiction

Let me be blunt. “Anger addiction” is not a metaphor or a loosely applied descriptor. People who are easily and continually angry exhibit the same behaviors as those addicted to any substances or habits that are ultimately harmful to them and those around them. Those who engage in anger as a preferred or constant practice are addicts. The evidence is clear: Whole segments of our population are inMORE...

Anger doesn’t work that well

As a student of neuroscience, I understand that anger is one part of an automatic reaction to stress or danger. Continual anger doesn’t work all that well, though.  In the long run, constant or habituated anger just isn’t all that practical. Eventually or ultimately: Anger doesn’t last. Unless continually stoked by circumstances or other people, anger dissipates when the real or imagined dangerMORE...

God is (not) angry

It has always seemed natural to me—maybe even ordinary—that God’s grace and love is always present, in whatever circumstance. But I don’t ever want to take that for granted. Not all spiritual traditions feature the profundity of a loving god. In ancient history, deities were considered angry—fierce storms, calamities and pestilences were punishments. A central tenet of these faith systems wasMORE...

Anger summarized

Anger is both a necessary and harmful part of human psychology. As a feature of our emotional brains, anger is: Automatic: Part of the brain’s response to stress and danger—fighting/fleeing/freezing—anger comes into play quickly and efficiently to diminish the danger. A few brain structures short-circuit our normal decision-making process. Necessary and useful: Our brains require protection forMORE...

A modest proposal

  All “modest proposals” usually start with modest questions. So take this title as a sign that I’m not sure how to write about a current situation that may be vexing you and me. The matter: The continuing anxiety I feel when confronted or assaulted by political news of the day or moment. To be specific, the ways in which otherwise thoughtful and righteous folks have yielded their moralMORE...

Bob Sitze

BOB SITZE has filled the many years of his lifework in diverse settings around the United States. His calling has included careers as a teacher/principal, church musician, writer/author, denominational executive staff member and meat worker. Bob lives in Wheaton, IL.

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