My wife and I will soon mail out hand-written postcards to remind voters about the importance of the coming election. As we do this work, we find ourselves reflecting about more than getting the addressee’s names written correctly and writing the same message over and over legibly. This might seem like mindless work, but it isn’t. Chris and I have noticed a definitely spiritual cast to what we’reMORE...
Reflections from a funeral, Part 2
Recently I learned to appreciate the value that can come to those who attend a memorial service in a funeral home. My observations from the previous entry continue here. • Because those in attendance knew each other—and the person who died—this event felt like a final step in knowing more fully who she really was. A satisfying experience to complete all the years of positive andMORE...
Reflections from a funeral, Part 1
Recently I attended a memorial service that took place in a funeral home. Because this was something I’ve not experienced in decades, I was especially interested in seeing how this kind of service might compare with a memorial service in a church. I was favorably impressed at how spiritual matters maintained their strengths in the funeral home setting. In this and the following entry, IMORE...
Watch your driving
Sooner or later, most of us will come to the time in life when driving a car is inadvisable. Diminished capacities—reaction time, vision or strength—may make us less able to operate automobiles safely. To remain a driver for as long as possible, think about these possibilities: Say a prayer before turning on the ignition. Pray fervently while driving. Don’t’ drive as much, for as long or to asMORE...
What’s a devotion, anyhow?
Over the years I’ve taken advantage of the spiritual depth of wonderfully pious folks. In reading and contemplating their words, I’ve gotten through some rough patches, seen what I had been missing, re-calibrated what I thought about God and found inspiration to change my behavior. What these spiritual elders wrote was “devotional”—helping me gather up handfuls of daily living and wander aroundMORE...
Who are you?
I’m not sure quite yet—we haven’t met—but I’m thinking I may know who you are. Because we need to stick together in this getting-older thing—let me tell you what I imagine is true about you. I’m presuming that you’re a spiritual person. Maybe not all that religious, but still connected to some basic propositions about a worthwhile life: You’re not in charge of everything you see and you don’tMORE...
Old and full of years
Looking for just the right epitaph? You might start with the Old Testament designation, “old and full of years.” Applied only to a special few—Job, Abraham, Jehoiada—the term bears tribute to both the longevity of a patriarch and the quality or significance of that person’s life. Not quite ready to die? (You’d like to live purposefully for a few more years?) Simple adjustment: Discard the “old”MORE...