
time capsules


Estate sale miscellany

This entry is part of a blog series, Time Capsules, that considers what our family’s stored artifacts tell about our family history. Today, I invite you to look at the keepsakes scattered throughout our home. Estate sales sometimes include a bin labeled “Miscellaneous”. In this container is all the stuff that couldn’t be assigned monetary worth. After more easily identified articles are sold andMORE...

The corpus of my opus

This entry is part of a blog series, Time Capsules, in which I tell you about places in our home where the blessings of our history are evident in stored artifacts. This time around, join me in rummaging around inside the boxes that hold my collected writings! It is said that you may call yourself an author when you’ve written and/or published more than one million words. After all these yearsMORE...

Things we don’t talk about

This entry is part of a blog series, Time Capsules, in which I think about the places in our home where the blessings of our history are evident in stored artifacts. Today, I invite you to look with me at stories that might live inside the bins that hold years’ worth of tax returns. From your refined upbringing, you’ll recall that there are two things one never talks about in polite company:MORE...

Historical walls and shelves

This entry is part of a blog series, Time Capsules, in which I think about the places in our home where the blessings of our history are evident in stored artifacts. Today, I invite you to look with me at stories that adorn the walls and shelves in our home—Items perhaps similar to those looking out at you right now! Although not literal capsules or containers, the walls and shelves throughoutMORE...

Bob Sitze

BOB SITZE has filled the many years of his lifework in diverse settings around the United States. His calling has included careers as a teacher/principal, church musician, writer/author, denominational executive staff member and meat worker. Bob lives in Wheaton, IL.

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