I am the fortunate beneficiary of medical care from a variety of doctors. I count most of their service as a kind of miracle, and so thank God for them by expressing my gratitude to each of these blessed folks in any number of ways. Today I want to invite you into that same mindset.
First, let’s admit that doctors—and all other health-care professionals—deserve our thanks, and that they may not get much of it. Given the current state of health care in this country, I’m guessing that whole boatloads of doctors are experiencing higher-than-ordinary stress levels. And because many patients may also be burdened with similar stressors, they might not always remember how best to express their gratitude to medical personnel who serve them.
Here’s what I’ve learned about expressing my thanks to the many folks who help me stay healthy:
• At each visit, I try to say thanks more than once.
• The simplest ways to express thanks are just fine.
• Gratitude can warm a doctor’s spirit if it’s specific. I try to say what it is that elicits my thanks. (Recently I thanked my eye doctor for the consistent spirit of kindness that I experience from all of his staff members.)
• Within time limits, I tell my doctor why I’m grateful. (In the case of the ophthalmologist, I’ve told him what continuing eyesight means for my ministry of crafting words.)
• I sometimes add to my words of gratitude a brief story that shares some of the satisfying outcomes of the doctor’s ministration.
• I’m not shy about using words that convey emotion.
One way to summarize this kind of gratitude: It’s personal! These folks treat me as someone they know well, someone whose well-being they value highly.
For that very special miracle, I remain truly thankful….
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