
October 2017


Still smiling

How’s your smile these days? I ask this question because you may not realize all the good things that happen when you smile. Want to think about that with me for a bit here? (If so, you have to promise to smile while you’re reading this—a way of practicing for what comes next!) The basic smile anatomy: The zygomatic major and orbicularis oculi muscles interact so that the corners of your eyeMORE...

On whom do you depend?

As an older guy, I have to swallow the obvious fact that I rely on many people—that I can’t do what used to come so easily. (I don’t climb ladders or do heavy-lifting any more.) I accept that part of being old and dependent. I’m also finding that I’m in need of other people for more basic elements of my well-being: I need more help in reading social situations accurately. I don’t always hear theMORE...

Pay now or pay later

“You reap what you sow”—is a lifestyle axiom that exists in almost all religious traditions. At this time of life, we’re “paying later”—dealing with the consequences of actions or inactions that took place long ago. It’s a tough part of being older, an expected phenomenon that’s still irksome. (Some examples: We didn’t floss when we were younger, and now the endodontist is our new best friendMORE...

What will they think of next?

Every so often I have to hitch up my suspenders, pretend to be a grumpy old man and utter the old guy phrase that comprises this entry’s title. What brings me to this state of astonishment is the news that at least two of the nation’s premier providers of healthcare housing for seniors are actively planning for the establishment of high-end assisted living apartment projects that will take careMORE...

Invalid invalid

The title for this entry isn’t a typo. Actually, you’re reading two different words that have a strong connection for those of us who are older. If you’re an invalid, you’re likely confined to quarters, in your own home or in a care-giving arrangement. You’re limited in the range of your movements. “Invalid” can also carry negative freight: Not only is an invalid afflicted with chronic illness orMORE...

How old is God?

When you were a kid, did you ever wonder what God looked like? In my tradition, the “Old Grandpa in the Rocking Chair” was the default depiction of God. Grandfathers were considered to be good people, and so God was kindly, sedentary, white-bearded, and wise. God could be easily identified by his stereotypical old-guy characteristics. That image of God is heresy because God is Totally OtherMORE...

“Now I’m one of THOSE people!

As you age, you might rejigger your self-concept in several ways: If you’re afraid of getting older—or of dying—you can deny your advancing age. If you’ve already faced partial decrepit-ness, you might have already adjusted your body image to accept what’s happening to your capabilities or physical traits. If you’ve ignored the aging process, you can wake up and smell the coffee. At some pointMORE...

Am I rotting away?

This blog is part of an ongoing series that answers an intriguing question: What might it mean for older adults to claim that they are still “fearfully and wonderfully made?” Occasionally I spend time looking at parts of my body that aren’t working like they used to. For example, I’m noticing that, despite exercises to improve this condition, my neck wattle is approaching the size of a turkey’sMORE...

The greater good

What’s the measure of someone’s life? That’s a question that tugs at me like a two-year old who wants to eat lunch. By usual standards, the worth of my life can be measured in my accomplishments, academic degrees, career path, relative wealth, upright living or unique qualities that make me stand out from the crowd.  All normal ways of naming what’s good about a person. There may be anotherMORE...

Bob Sitze

BOB SITZE has filled the many years of his lifework in diverse settings around the United States. His calling has included careers as a teacher/principal, church musician, writer/author, denominational executive staff member and meat worker. Bob lives in Wheaton, IL.

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