In high school, I was a third-string bench-warmer on the Basketball C-Team. I was keenly aware of the importance of teamwork and scoring. So, when I had that orangish-orb in my possession, I was continually faced with the decision: Dribble, shoot or pass. From my extensive experience as a basketball guy—“Hey, Sitze! Thirty seconds to go in the game. Get in there and make something happen…”—IMORE...
Preserving perseveration
Every so often I encounter someone who’s stuck on a story or viewpoint. The phenomenon is called 1perseveration, and we might mark this behavior as slightly problematic in most social settings. The tendency to revisit the same matters unceasingly can be a sign of mild cognitive decline. (One verbal clue: “Have I ever told you about the time when….?”) I’ve been around plenty of worry-proneMORE...
Words looking for an idea
Does this ever happen to you: Your mind fills with words that don’t seem to have anything to attach to. Whether vocalized or unspoken, these random vocabularies don’t quite coalesce into an idea that might give them shape. So they just roam around, as though looking for a home. Added to this feeling is the possibility that, without a way for them to gather together, these words might splash andMORE...
Getting ready for Lent
Don’t look now, but pre-Lent Sundays are heading your way. Formerly known by their numerical designations—e.g., Septuagesima—these days were markers for what was surely coming: The tones and tunes of Lent. Those names may have been removed, but not the themes: “Get ready! Lent is coming!” For a couple of years now, I have had conversations with a team of remarkable *consultants. TheirMORE...
Saints’ and angels’ delight
I really like going to church on Sundays. That hasn’t always been true all of my life, but right now Sunday morning worship is one of the high points of any week. This past Sunday, one of the prayers for the day included the phrase, “Whom saints and angels delight to worship.” Referring to God, of course. The word “delight” struck me as important, an idea that I had not considered all thatMORE...
“I used to….”
Every so often in conversations I find myself about to say something like “I used to…” Maybe the same urge comes to the surface in your conversations? If completed, the sentence would recount some skill or experience from our past that might be relevant to the subject at hand. Perhaps some part of our storied histories could add personal notes that would enrich the conversation. Perhaps our faithMORE...
New theological thought
Based on 1 personal experience, I am happy to announce that I have solved a theological matter that has aggravated amateur scholars like me for centuries. I am talking, of course, about St. Paul’s “thorn in the flesh.” (See 2 Corinthians 2:7ff for background.) Simply stated, what Paul experienced was a medial 2meniscus tear in his knee. This makes sense. Although 3some theologians have dancedMORE...
Dispersed and disbursed?
(This entry is part of an ongoing collection of blogs that examine the future of congregations post-COVID19. Each entry forms itself around a question looking for clarity or even answers.) The Church has always kept its vitality because of its capacities to draw people into the realm of God’s love, and then to send them out to preach and live that Gospel. But as an institution, the Church hasMORE...
Holding up Moses’ arms today
It’s that time of year when leaders might need some help. Perhaps those of us who are full of years might be the ones to *hold up our Moses’ arms! Post-holiday realities are galumphing back into leaders’ priorities: Future planning, fiscal years wrapping up, performance reviews, annual meeting reports. Some leaders might be nearly overwhelmed by start-of-year tasks, roles or responsibilities; theMORE...
Twitter trees?
(This entry is part of an ongoing collection of blogs that examine the future of congregations post-COVID19. Each entry forms itself around a question looking for clarity or answers.) Two cedar trees in my front yard regularly host a large-group gab session for sparrows, also protecting them from predators. The birds seem to derive pleasure from their flitting and chirping. They return to theseMORE...