The good folks at the International Council on Active Aging (ICAA) have announced the fifteenth annual observance of Active Aging Week, something you might want to observe on September 24-30th this year. (You can find out more about ICAA at ) The theme this year, “Ignite your passion,” got me to thinking about the outcomes for our well-being at this stage in life. It’s clear from theMORE...
Using this blog
My purpose behind the writing of these blogs? I hope that you find them useful, in whatever context you find yourself. Just in case you want some more ideas, consider these starters: Conversation starters What would happen if you shared an entry with your adult children, someone whom you visit, your caregivers or your pastor? Perhaps one of these blogs could function as the opening of aMORE...
What’s a devotion, anyhow?
Over the years I’ve taken advantage of the spiritual depth of wonderfully pious folks. In reading and contemplating their words, I’ve gotten through some rough patches, seen what I had been missing, re-calibrated what I thought about God and found inspiration to change my behavior. What these spiritual elders wrote was “devotional”—helping me gather up handfuls of daily living and wander aroundMORE...
Who are you?
I’m not sure quite yet—we haven’t met—but I’m thinking I may know who you are. Because we need to stick together in this getting-older thing—let me tell you what I imagine is true about you. I’m presuming that you’re a spiritual person. Maybe not all that religious, but still connected to some basic propositions about a worthwhile life: You’re not in charge of everything you see and you don’tMORE...
Old and full of years
Looking for just the right epitaph? You might start with the Old Testament designation, “old and full of years.” Applied only to a special few—Job, Abraham, Jehoiada—the term bears tribute to both the longevity of a patriarch and the quality or significance of that person’s life. Not quite ready to die? (You’d like to live purposefully for a few more years?) Simple adjustment: Discard the “old”MORE...