According to supposed generational characteristics, I function inside the crease between The Silent and Baby Boomer generations. To say that another way, I don’t fit either description. That’s why I prefer to think of my generational self with the same moniker as the tune for the hymn “For All the Saints”—sine nomine (literally “without a name” in Latin). I now consider myself an older adult. NoMORE...
No, this is NOT a misspelling of a grunge-band’s name, nor is this one of the currently trendy new names for babies. Instead, you’re looking at a Greek word that forms one part of the liturgical formula, Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison. The simplest translation: Lord, have mercy. Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy. Today I want to riff on the eleison idea—having mercy. The conceptMORE...
Elderly exegetics (February)
Today’s entry continues a series of short musings about lectionary texts that may soon appear in your line-of-sight. These thoughts may be helpful in interpreting the appointed lessons with sensitivity to the realities faced by those who are older. FEBRUARY Background It seems appropriate to look at biblical texts from the viewpoint of older adults, who were among the original writers, hearersMORE...
Memories that never die
A few months ago, Liz, one of my former co-workers, died at a young age. This was one of those cases where “too soon for her to die” was true—an effervescent woman still perking along and inspiring others wherever she went. My initial grieving was compounded by the sadness of not having kept in touch over the years—lots of geographical distance. So I was not able to be part of the comfortingMORE...
No way…! Not you. Not me. Recently I was part of a meeting about gun violence—the discussion aimed at what we can do about this vexing reality. After outlining the specifics of this dire situation, the group came to admit that we felt powerless…. (Well, most of the group except for this writer, the older fellow who was not in synch with the group’s zeitgeist.) It struck me that feelings ofMORE...
No one left behind
This past Sunday, our church service ran two minutes over. Perhaps not all that important until you know why. First the back story and then a similar one from years ago … The worship service went on a bit longer because, at the end of the Holy Communion portion of the service, our senior pastor noticed that one of the acolytes had not yet received communion. Even as the rest of the communionMORE...
Fragile lives
Every so often, I am struck by how fragile our lives can be. So many of life’s difficult times begin with a startling moment that changes everything. With sometimes little warning, the exquisitely intricate facets of daily living can disappear suddenly. Lines that have bound us tightly to others fray and snap. Normal health dissipates in the face of sobering test results. An accident snuffs outMORE...
:Personal notes
This entry can be classified as personal privilege, one of those times when a writer sets aside conventions and the normal odor of things in order to add the fresh air of personal greetings to what would otherwise seem to be generic thoughts. This blog is not about any subject. If there was a file folder holding the following thoughts, it might be labeled, “Every time I think of you, I thank myMORE...