I offer today’s entry as a small cornucopia for matters about which you and I might fuss. (Yes, I count myself as a sometimes-unrepentant sweater-about-small-stuff.) As with all of my blogs, this material is totally (1)legitimate and (2)authoritative, providing you the authority and legitimacy you need to pursue your own apprehension and complaining in new directions. (No, do not thank me—it onlyMORE...
Sensory travels
This blog is not about inhaling the glorious odor of Helix Phalaenopsis orchids in Vanuatu. Instead, I’m going to invite you to see how your senses can help you travel to the limits of your sight, hearing, smelling, touch, taste, balance/movement and body awareness. Each sense can also take you deeply into what is close at hand. Each connects to your brain’s memory centers, joining past toMORE...
Deferring dementia 2
This and the previous entry propose the likelihood that most congregations offer their members—perhaps especially older members—benefits that might help deter or delay the effects of Alzheimer’s dementia. Today several other possible factors that may match your congregation’s capabilities. Socialization No older adult benefits from being unknown. Research across a variety of studies has found aMORE...
Deferring dementia 1
This and the following entry propose the likelihood that most congregations offer their members—perhaps especially older members—benefits that help deter or delay the effects of Alzheimer’s dementia. Perhaps you might see your congregation’s significance in a new light. Today an introduction and one factor that helps me understand Alzheimer’s dementia.. Today I write with observations about howMORE...
The mind of Christ
I’ve always loved this concept—beautifully detailed in Philippians 2:1-11. The passage summarizes much of what Jesus was like, characteristics that place him on a pedestal of admiration, someone his followers—me included—try to emulate. It has occurred to me recently that, because I’m an older adult now, I might have a special vantage point for putting this “mind of Christ” idea into practiceMORE...
Good morning!
I don’t always sleep well at night. Some of that comes from the ordinary physical realities of getting older, and I probably take too many snoozes and naps during the day. Medical matters sometimes swirl around in my head. Unnecessarily, I take onto myself part of our nation’s generalized anxiety about surreal political machinations and bizarre leaders. All of those become reasons why myMORE...
Labor Day observations
At this time in my life, I think about work differently than when I was working in a specific profession. Several of those musings took place during worship at our church the day before Labor Day, which prompts the following quiltwork of thoughts. At my age, I am rewarded for the various personal and volunteer roles I am immersed in—the pay is just different. In a way, I’m still being paid—IMORE...