In this three-part series, The greater good, you and I think together about how our decision-making can reflect the Christian values of empathy and community. Today we take a closer look at some possible complexities. “Seeking the greater good” can help anchor the decisions we make. An easy way to understand this ideal involves a utilitarian calculation: Determine the best outcomes for theMORE...
The greater good
In this three-part series, The greater good, you and I can think together about how our decision-making reflects the Christian values of empathy and community. The matter is complex enough to warrant more than just a few words! Today we start with the obvious: Our lives are not are own. The lectionary texts a few Sundays ago included this familiar statement by Paul: “And he (Jesus) died for allMORE...
Lessons from the natural world: A perspective
The lessons I learn from being among nature’s small and large wonders have formed the basis a series of blogs that I just completed. (To visit unread blogs in the series, type “Lessons from the natural world” into the Search feature on the site.) Today I provide a little background for the series—the compelling reasons for its genesis. I’m a naturalist. Not because of training or occupationalMORE...
Bringing older adults into nature
In these later decades of life, I have come to see even more fully the value of being immersed in the natural world. The lessons I learn from among nature’s small and large wonders form the basis for this series of blogs. In this final entry in the series, I explore some practical ways for caregivers to bring older adults together with the natural world. Since interactions with nature can beMORE...
Lessons from the natural world: Active, extinct or dormant?
In these later decades of life, I have come to see even more fully the value of being immersed in the natural world. The lessons I learn from being among nature’s small and large wonders form the basis of this series of blogs. Today’s thought: How we who are older might compare ourselves to volcanoes…. Several times in life I’ve had the opportunity to explore a variety of geologicalMORE...
Lessons from the natural world: Life is everywhere
In these later decades of life, I have come to see even more fully the value of being immersed in the natural world. The lessons I learn from being among nature’s small and large wonders form the basis of this series of blogs. Today’s thought: How the natural world encourages elders to rejoice in their lives! “How ARE you?” people ask. My consistent answer: “Happy to be alive!” I’m so glad to beMORE...
Lessons from the natural world: Vulnerability and humility
In these later decades of life, I have come to see even more fully the value of being immersed in the natural world. The lessons I learn from being among nature’s small and large wonders form the basis of this series of blogs. Today’s thought: The natural world reveals our vulnerability and inspires our humility. Let me ask you a personal question: When and why do you ever feelMORE...
Lessons from the natural world: Vast thoughts
In these later decades of life, I have come to see even more fully the value of being immersed in the natural world. The lessons I learn from being among nature’s small and large wonders form the basis of this series of blogs. Today’s thought: Nature inspires vast thinking. When I’m out in the natural world, vast often comes to mind, carrying two interrelated meanings: Immense/huge/extensive andMORE...
Lessons from the natural world: What lasts longest speaks most loudly
In these later decades of life, I have come to see even more fully the value of being immersed in the natural world. The lessons I learn from being among nature’s small and large wonders form the basis of this series of blogs. Today’s thought: What lasts longest speaks most loudly. Whether tending to my own backyard, walking in the neighborhood or gazing at a vast landscape, I can see howMORE...