
September 2024



(The following entry is inspired by Jean Francois-Millet’s famous painting, “Angelus”. It depicts an elderly farming couple coming to the end of their workday with a moment of standing-in-the-field prayer.) Like many of you, Chris and I share words of spoken gratitude before our evening meal. Sometimes called “grace,” these varied prayers involve just the two of us, so they may seem small andMORE...

Facing dead-ends III

  One truism about older adulthood is that some of our life-decisions may now lead toward possible dead-ends. Places where no good choices remain, realities from which we cannot escape. (Familiar examples: Smoking from a young age, ignoring good health habits or spending beyond our means.) This truth leads me to wonder what might be happen when we finally realize that we’ve come to any ofMORE...

Facing dead-ends RESEND

One truism about older adulthood is that some of our life-decisions may now lead toward possible dead-ends. Places where no good choices remain, realities from which we cannot escape. (Familiar examples: Smoking from a young age, ignoring good health habits or spending beyond our means.) This truth leads me to wonder what might be happen when we finally realize that we’ve come to any of life’sMORE...

Bob Sitze

BOB SITZE has filled the many years of his lifework in diverse settings around the United States. His calling has included careers as a teacher/principal, church musician, writer/author, denominational executive staff member and meat worker. Bob lives in Wheaton, IL.

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