This entry is part of a series of blogs that connect political volunteering with spiritual themes. These observations come from my current volunteering for a congressional candidate. Today: Final thoughts. We’re coming down to days now—just a few of them left before Election Day. At this point in this months-long saga, these final thoughts come to mind. About the process and the results. FirstMORE...
Campaigning with Spirit: What’s right(eous)?
This entry is part of a series of blogs that connect political volunteering with spiritual themes. These observations come from my current volunteering for a congressional candidate. Today: Discerning what’s right. The older I get the more I’m aware of “what’s just not right”—a kind of innate sense of what makes no sense because it’s not righteous. Some of that intuitive sense of virtue hasMORE...
Campaigning with Spirit: A time to witness
This entry is part of a series of blogs that connect political volunteering with spiritual themes. These observations come from my current volunteering for a congressional candidate. Today: Speaking from faith. Earlier in my career, I set aside professional church work in order to learn what laypersons experienced as faithful Christians in the world. One of the more important lessons IMORE...
Campaigning with Spirit: Where’s Jesus?
This entry is part of a series of blogs that connect political volunteering with spiritual themes. These observations come from my current volunteering for a congressional candidate. Today: Finding Christ-like people and actions. “Where’s Jesus in all of this?” That’s a question that helps me discern what’s righteous, admirable or worthy in life. This has also proved to be a valuableMORE...
Campaigning with Spirit: A personal note
This entry is part of a series of blogs that connect political volunteering with spiritual themes. These observations come from my current volunteering for a congressional candidate. Today: Some personal comments. With about a month to go in this campaign, I thought I would write a bit more about how political volunteering is settling into our bodies and souls. This might be a good time toMORE...
Campaigning with Spirit: The family
This entry is part of a series of blogs that connect political volunteering with spiritual themes. These observations come from my current volunteering for a congressional candidate. Today’s thought: The fellowship of believers. One of the strongest benefits of being part of the Body of Christ is the reality that believers are joined together in a bond of fellowship. No matter our dissimilaritiesMORE...