I’ve been a *homeless shelter volunteer for years, so am familiar with the scope of that work on a normal evening. Last weekend was different—a few of the residents were severely agitated, a disturbance that required more than our usual responses. Usually I come home from those late-night shifts with the usual mixture of emotions—admiration, sorrow, guilt, frustration, gratitude and resolve. FromMORE...
Sole soul care
If you’re caring for an aging parent, it’s possible to experience a special kind of loneliness. This is soulful work that you might do alone. Today I want to explore some of what that might mean for you. To encourage you, to remind you that you’re not alone and to help you find some comfort in your loving attention of a loved one. First, this loneliness—however it’s described—is very real for youMORE...
Who’s in charge? (Redux)
Previously I shared some thoughts about describing responsibilities as caregivers anticipate the needs of their frail elderly parents. In this entry, I approach the same question, this time from the viewpoint of an older adult who wants to invite adult children—or other caregivers—into a beginning conversation about my possible needs. The following personal observations and experiences come toMORE...
Who’s in charge?
As you anticipate caring for a frail elderly person—or seeking care yourself—it may be wise to ask (and answer) the simple question, “Who will be in charge?” It makes sense to address this matter as part of elder care conversations now. Events in my life over the past two decades have sharpened that question and broadened possible answers. Consider this invitation to join in a two-partMORE...
You’re doing the best you can
A word of grace for those of you who care for an elderly person: You probably have less reason to feel guilty about your level of care than you might imagine. To say that another way: You’re probably doing the best you can with the resources, energy and capabilities that are available to you. Caring for an older neighbor, friend or family member is perhaps the most complicated andMORE...