I’ve always loved this concept—beautifully detailed in Philippians 2:1-11. The passage summarizes much of what Jesus was like, characteristics that place him on a pedestal of admiration, someone his followers—me included—hope to emulate. It has occurred to me recently that, because I’m an older adult now, I just might have a special vantage point for putting this “mind of Christ” idea intoMORE...
The mind of Christ
I’ve always loved this concept—beautifully detailed in Philippians 2:1-11. The passage summarizes much of what Jesus was like, characteristics that place him on a pedestal of admiration, someone his followers—me included—try to emulate. It has occurred to me recently that, because I’m an older adult now, I might have a special vantage point for putting this “mind of Christ” idea into practiceMORE...