


Denying ourselves and carrying our crosses

My climate anxiety peaks periodically. When that happens, Luke 9:23b (KJV) pops into my memory—“Deny yourself and take up your cross”—as one possible part of the solution to global warming. I wonder if a society-wide ascetic mindset—although not easily engaged—might tamp down the factors that are causing our planet’s ecosystems to unravel. That theology feels hard to put into practice. If I’mMORE...

The answer to “How long?”

During difficult times, God’s people have repeatedly prayed, “How long, dear Lord? How long?” This plea for rescue from overwhelming circumstances has been an integral part of Jewish spirituality. That prayer may have applied to us, too. Especially recently. It’s also an Advent theme: We await a final rescue, the defeat of enemies who have oppressed all of us. We’re bold to send Heavenward ourMORE...

Resurrection as repair

Easter’s message promises life after death. Loss of life is the entryway to the blessing of new life, and so we consider death as part of the process God offers in the assuring reality of resurrection. The miracle of this gift comforts us when we encounter death. But what if you and I are not yet dead?  Holding on to something only resembling life, and hoping for new life? Yearning for normalMORE...

1918 Famine relief in Russia and Ukraine

This entry offers the 1outline of a heartening story: After the Russian Revolution and World War I, Lutherans in the United States were significant partners in 2large-scale famine relief in Eastern Europe. In the aftermath of the Bolshevik Revolution and World War I, much of Europe struggled to reconstruct the lives of its citizens. Cities and villages lay in ruins, governments were in disarrayMORE...

Talking back

One hopeful phenomenon I’ve seen during the Russian Invasion has been the number of courageous Ukrainians who have stood up to the invading Russian army. Many of the short video clips show extraordinary citizens *talking back. They scold soldiers directly to their faces—something these men may not be accustomed to. What also seems true: Some of these folks are older women whose authority comesMORE...

What about change?

Lately I’m having trouble with change. As one well-practiced in transformation, I wonder whether change per se is being over-sold just a bit. It wasn’t always this way. Decades ago, I learned from effective leaders and wise older mentors how change can (and cannot) happen. I’ve experienced change throughout my life. pursuing about a dozen careers, relocating to eight different parts of theMORE...

Bob Sitze

BOB SITZE has filled the many years of his lifework in diverse settings around the United States. His calling has included careers as a teacher/principal, church musician, writer/author, denominational executive staff member and meat worker. Bob lives in Wheaton, IL.

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