


Well done and well-done?

Remember “Well done, thou good and faithful servant….”  (Matthew 25:21)? These words may have comforted us when we’ve wondered if our lifework was worthy of God’s commendation. The usual interpretation of *The Parable of the Talents (or the Three Servants) revolves around reassurances that good deeds or high integrity eventually meet with God’s approval. (Although comforting, this blessing alsoMORE...

Putting away the Alleluias

Our congregation has a Transfiguration Sunday tradition that was especially meaningful this year. It involves a large trunk placed in front of the altar for all to see. During the time for the children’s message, the kids are each given an Alleluia Page, and tasked with the job of writing or drawing their ideas about this word. They are told that during Lent we’ll not be hearing any alleluias inMORE...

Holy family work (Part 1)

This past Sunday after Christmas is also known as Holy Family Sunday—a time to celebrate Mary and Joseph’s role in the story of salvation. The day’s lectionary texts hinted at an obvious reality: The Baby Jesus didn’t turn into the mature Jesus overnight. There were at least 30 years between the angels’ announcement of salvation’s dawn and the beginning of Jesus’ formal ministry. Christmas was aMORE...

Your lifework

  If you’ve followed this blog series for awhile, you’ve seen my frequent use of the term, “lifework.” It’s an important concept to me, with roots and tendrils that extend into my sense of self. Dictionary definitions suggest connections to the scope of one’s life, and the work that is accomplished during its duration. Knowing your lifework requires a broad perspective about your essentialMORE...

Distilled undeservedness

I can still see, and it feels like a miracle! After several years of regular eye injections, my Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) has stabilized. Wavy lines no longer obscure my vision, which has returned to 20/20 in both eyes. Another near-miracle: The cost of these procedures is covered by my health insurance. Knowing this about me, you can see why I live with constant feelings ofMORE...

A life purpose for anyone

During the years I’ve visited frail elderly folks, I’ve observed that many of these good people don’t feel that they have a purpose in life. Not all of them, but just enough to make me wonder what it might take for people in their later years to strengthen or regain their zest of living—something that comes along with having a lively, tangible purpose. Today I want to try out this idea with you:MORE...

Quixotic elder

I’ve always wondered how it felt to be Don Quixote. He was an elderly fellow—50-ish, considered old in his time—when his self-appointed adventures began. Deemed insane, foolish or both, this self-designated knight took on a series of causes that, in his mind, were necessary for the well-being of others. His self-image can serve as a warning for any of us who imagine the importance of our lives inMORE...

Bob Sitze

BOB SITZE has filled the many years of his lifework in diverse settings around the United States. His calling has included careers as a teacher/principal, church musician, writer/author, denominational executive staff member and meat worker. Bob lives in Wheaton, IL.

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