Our Monarch larva/babies have morphed into adult butterflies, wending their way out into the larger world. These observations from this part of their life cycle…. “I am a man and no butterfly.” This quote from 2 Hezekiah 19:42 reminds me that, despite my most cherished hopes, I will never fly. In my Spirited imagination, though, I am capable of soaring and swooping, darting among obstacles andMORE...
Bringing older adults into nature
In these later decades of life, I have come to see even more fully the value of being immersed in the natural world. The lessons I learn from among nature’s small and large wonders form the basis for this series of blogs. In this final entry in the series, I explore some practical ways for caregivers to bring older adults together with the natural world. Since interactions with nature can beMORE...
Lessons from the natural world: Active, extinct or dormant?
In these later decades of life, I have come to see even more fully the value of being immersed in the natural world. The lessons I learn from being among nature’s small and large wonders form the basis of this series of blogs. Today’s thought: How we who are older might compare ourselves to volcanoes…. Several times in life I’ve had the opportunity to explore a variety of geologicalMORE...