I’m often struck by the many elders who are curious, engaged and creative. They also inspire and motivate others around them to be generative—to discover and live out a viral vitality that keeps others’ pots boiling and energies percolating. There’s effervescence in their personalities—how they hold themselves, how they move, how they converse.
Generativity—the ability to start something, probably something new—is one of their cherished traits. These are people with agency—they get things done. They establish and fund new charities. They mentor up-and-coming young adults. They add zest and energy to political campaigns. They keep journals for the sake of their offspring. They ask, “What if…,” and explore freshly minted answers. They’re happy to find each other.
When there are enough of them collected together in one place—I encounter them in our congregation—these good folks regenerate otherwise ordinary situations or assets. They see part of their role at this time in life to be Genesis People, finders or creators of new life. They see past the usual—their imaginations and perspectives soar like swallows on a breeze. In their conversations they engender possibilities that navigate over, around or through problems.
How does this happen? I think it may be a function of the quality time these elders spend roaming their emotional and intellectual landscapes. These reflective, appreciative moments might happen early in the morning—when these senior-generators are fresh from a good night’s sleep—or late at night—when their day’s events come together for a grateful review. The thoughts eventually turn into words and actions that excite others.
I’m delighted to know people like this, and consider them as blessings for my life. It’s likely that your name and face are on my list of Muses.
Imagine my smiling face here….
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