Let me invite you into a thought experiment that might be useful.
Some background first. “What’s next after COVID-19?” is coming our way. Although none of us can accurately predict the future, envisioning specific potentials can work alongside nimble, skillful reactivity. We trust God’s providence, however it might unfold.
The experiment starts with questions like these:
- What do you think will realistically be true about the world, this nation, your family and yourself when COVID-19 is under control?
- What beginning signs of those coming developments do you already see?
- What are you ready to start (or stop) doing?
- Where are the places or people that are already starting to shape the future you prefer?
Now construct some concise statements about fundamental truths that could be applied to what’s coming next. They might be as generic as “People will find their better angels” or “Things will be worse before they get better.” Or perhaps as specific as “The quality of daily life will depend on those who are spiritually mature”, “Older adults will re-assume leadership roles in society” or “The 2020 elections will determine what happens for the next two generations.”
With your questions and theses in mind, imagine yourself thinking/acting or planning to think/act. Pick some specific actions or mindsets and start working at them. For example, “I will increase my spending on durable goods”, “My wife and I will identify and support a local political leader” or “I will write and send weekly blessings to family members.”
Because it’s often true that what you think, you can do, this thought experiment might show its results sooner than you could have imagined. And you will have led into the future instead of being only reactive.
That feels like a good thought…!