My father taught me the value of insurance. Over the years, I’ve relied on the blessed assurance that our insurance policies would continue to serve as practical and emotional backstops to most losses we might incur. Now I’m not so sure….
A few weeks ago, several major insurers pulled back from their coverages. In California, it was new home owners policies. In Florida, both auto and home owners insurance. In other states, rates for continuing coverage increased to unaffordable levels. Insurers have realized that they can’t continue to cover growing losses in these places. That brings me to wonder whether my coverage might be next on their chopping blocks.
Over the years, our family has benefited from various insurance coverage. Health, disability, auto, life, homeowners, earthquake, liability, extended life care—these policies contributed to my feelings of security in the face of possible difficulty or disaster. But these trusted corporations are not providential, almighty or all-knowing. (My father taught me that, too.)
That’s why the gradual fading of the insurance industry reminds me to re-examine where my ultimate trust is placed, and who can help me recover from losses of any kind. (I’d have to admit that sometimes “God will provide” includes my assumption that God uses insurance companies to make that happen!)
I wrestle with these practical and spiritual questions: Without insurance coverage, my vulnerabilities could become more real. Lacking insurance, my anxieties might conflict with my faith in God, perhaps exposing the assurance of insurance as a possible idolatry. I might forsake generosity or self-sacrifice.
I don’t want to lose my perspective in these matters, so it helps to remember that I am part of a loving community, whose care will continue to reflect the blessed assurance of God’s providence!
Another important thing my father taught me….
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