My apologies for not authoring a genuine FullofYears blog today. Instead, I want to play around with a far-fetched thought that might have some Advent connections: “What if teleportation—the physical relocation of human bodies from one place to another—became possible? What spiritual good could come from that?”
My interest in this admittedly wispy matter comes from three interlocking thoughts that recently popped into the “What If?” part of my brain. First, in looking at Advent texts—particularly those devoted to Second Coming matters—I wonder whether we could describe Heaven as a lingering family reunion. The second thought: When I think about all of you who read these blogs, I realize how much I have missed interacting with so many of you over so many years. The last thought: If there was such a thing as teleportation, how could that bring together in one place and time all the smaller “families” inside the larger family of God?
I can imagine how a teleportation-enabled family get-together could be wonderful: A really long and joyful re-assemblage of the uniquely blessed crowd of people who constitute God’s family! Stories, food, endless conversations, laughter, worship opportunities and hugs! Exultations about lives well-spent, as well as sorrows about those who have left us behind to take up their place in Heaven. (Eternity will eventually afford that great pleasure, of course, but think how teleportation could make this possible sooner.)
I’ll get back to writing normal blogs soon, but will also hold onto this assuring seasonal thought: After the Second Coming, maybe we could hold a FullofYears family reunion?
Happy Advent….
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