Life-as-we-have-known-it is slowly coming back, with perhaps one lingering exception: Anger is still roaming our nation, clawing for a place in the national discourse and identity. From everything I know about this powerful emotion, it’s not a helpful part of our lives. Especially dangerous when it becomes addictive, anger ruins relationships as well as the individual and collective brains that hold onto it. Our national well-being—our institutions and enterprises—can’t function when fury erupts across the emotional landscape.
Just in time, though, help is on the way.
The source of the help lies inside each of us: love for each other, including those who are perpetually enraged. Yes, it’s that simple! Even addicted brains respond to the power of love. That’s more than wishful thinking. The major corrosive effects of anger—cortisol molecules racing through brains and bodies—dissipate in the presence of love. Even rage that’s stoked or fueled by anger-mongers. Even fury that may be deeply entrenched in thoughts, words and deeds.
Without going into all the neurobiology that’s involved here, I think it’s accurate to say that each one of us may need—and can offer—help that’s on the way. That includes those of us who are beholden to anger-merchants and those of us trying to care for loved ones who seemed trapped by this emotion.
I’ll get to specifics in a subsequent entry, but for now hear me carefully: The cycle of stress-related anger can be broken, gently and lovingly. In this time when we admit our need for the Prince of Peace to regain hold of our lives, it’s more than wishful thinking to pray that anger will decrease—that social harmony will return to our lives.
This is a prayer God answers….!