A few page-turns from right now, your calendar is going to open to the wonderful month of October—helping you realize that the evocative spirit of Autumn is coming closer. Today I want to use this blog space to invite you to a special October event in the mountains of western North Carolina: Lutheridge Camp’s 50Forward Living Well Event. This year’s theme: Simple Enough! This year’s dates: October 19-21.
I’m one of the presenters—I’ll be thinking along with participants about a “spiritual theology of simplicity”—and I’m privileged to be part of a collection of unique workshop and activities leaders with expertise in various aspects of simple living. The camp is situated just outside of Asheville, North Carolina, one of the best places in the United States to enjoy the beauties of Fall. Asheville is easily accessible by all forms of transportation—except for hot air balloons, treadmills and camel caravans.
This is one of those events that can renew your spirit. Time for conversation, interesting participants, a setting to settle your soul, activities that stretch mind and body, down-time for quiet reflection, excellent meals and a spiritual atmosphere that can reassure you about your life in God’s service. A retreat and a Sabbath rolled into one experience.
Why invite you? The answer is found in the “50Forward” idea: This event is especially suited for folks over fifty years of age who are looking forward to their coming years with gratitude and hope. Folks who are trying to live fully. Folks who want to think along with others about living a godly life. Folks like you….
You can find more details and registration information for the event at https://www.lutheridge.org/non-summer-adults-family.
Whether this invitation is shameless or not, I’d love to see you at Lutheridge this October, and to consider along with you what it means to live simply in today’s world.
And yes, please turn those calendar pages to October right now….!