This blog is the final entry in a series exploring the ideals and behaviors of bullies. Today I look at the possibility that I, too, am prone to bullying behaviors. Jesus talked about taking the wooden beam out of one’s eye before noticing and condemning the sawdust speck bothering someone else’s vision. (See Matthew 7:1-5.) This teaching probably applies to the bullying I see in others—and toMORE...
Bully Notes IV
This blog is the fourth entry in a series exploring the ideals and behaviors of bullies. The subject seems important right now, and it’s definitely weighing on my spirit. Today another personal matter: How bullying seems futile. Here’s something I don’t get about bullies: What do they hope to accomplish, big picture? And do they really think that’s possible? Bullying doesn’t make sense—it feelsMORE...
Bully Notes II
This blog is the second entry in a series exploring bullies and bullying. Add my observations to your own, so that together we can react to people who use force to influence the rest of us. Today a question about terrorism… Previously I wondered how bullying might emerge in a person. Another question that won’t go away: How might bullying take advantage of *terror? Philosophers who examine theMORE...
Bully Notes I
This entry is the first part of a series exploring the behaviors and attitudes of bullies. Add these observations to your own, so that together we can understand and perhaps thwart people who use force to influence the rest of us. Today some basic concepts….. Most of us don’t like to be bullied. So we dislike *bullies. That’s simple enough to understand, but perhaps there’s more to this tooMORE...