Just now I was grappling with the task of folding fitted bed sheets neatly—something I try to do when I’m not writing. As a momentary sabbatical from impossibility, let me offer you the encouragement and wisdom of a newsletter specifically focused on the process and reality of elderhood.
The resource is called Rich and Charlie Resources, and it arrives on your e-doorstep the first day of every other month. The newsletter’s title hearkens back to its originators—Rich Bimler and Charlie Mueller. Rich was an LCMS youth ministry guru, who transitioned a few years back into appreciation for, ministry among and writing about older adults. Charlie was a parish pastor and writer in the Chicago suburbs, and part of an eminent clan of Lutherans. Both were associated with (the former) WheatRidge, and both knew how to fashion words into practical ideals and ideas. Charlie died a few years back, and Rich has carried the newsletter forward.
Why do I recommend this particular resource? Like Minnesota’s weekly e-newsletter, Next Avenue (https://www.nextavenue.org,), Rich and Charlie Resources approaches aging with respect, and provides insights that are practical. Carrying forward the serious whimsy that they harbored in their spirits, Rich continues to spread a light touch over profound theological truth. The writing is approachable—the kind of wordsmithing that is useful for devotions, church newsletter entries and sermon starters. The theology is consistently filled with joy and gratitude about growing older in God’s grace.
To receive your copy, e-mail Rich at Rich@WeRaise.org, and ask to have your address added to the “Rich and Charlie Resources” mailing list.
By the way, DO NOT ASK Rich (or me) how to fold fitted sheets. Our response might result in your crinkling your bedding into unrecognizable mounds of cotton cloth!
OK, back to sheet- and word-wrestling….
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