“Something good will come from this!” Some social commentators are starting to use words like these to describe possible positive results that could come from what appears to be a spreading tragedy for the whole world. These opinion leaders take us back to the end of World War II. They point out how that destruction of much of the world’s social and economic landscape also provided motivation for resetting some pre-war thoughts and actions. Perhaps that will happen this time around, too–when this war has finished its course.
I can see how that might already be true. The fresh wind of the Spirit is blowing: New, genuine heroes have emerged. A majority of countries have banded together to punish unprovoked aggression. Massive humanitarian rescue and resettled programs are building in size, scope and sophistication. The shrill voices of hate merchants have been weakened. (When unchecked anger rushes towards its ugly outcomes, war is the eventual result.) We all been invited into quiet, sober and honest consideration of our values. We are relearning empathy, sorrow, generosity and resolve.
I’m trying to pay close attention to those possibilities, evident in people around me and spreading into other parts of society. I sense a return to humility, cooperation and accountability. To spiritual moorings. Perhaps fear of nuclear annihilation has brought us to our senses, stripped us bare of pretense and opened our eyes to the good that lives inside others. Perhaps we have faced the reality that hyper-consumption and unbridled self-idolatry won’t work anymore.
As those possibilities start to emerge like Spring flowers, we still have to contend with the evils that have engendered this conflict. Just as assuredly, though, we know that something good will come of this.
Dear God, please make this true!